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PARDUBICE region accommodation and holiday in Czech republic Czechia

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PARDUBICE region holiday Czech republic

Vodní toky: větší část území regione odvodňuje Labe, nejdelší řekou na území regione je levobřežní labský přítok Chrudimka. Část území na Svitavsku odvodňuje Svitava, přítok řeky Moravy a potažmo Dunaje. regionem prochází hlavní evropské rozvodí mezi Severním a Černým mořem.
PARDUBICE region lies mostly in East Bohemia and cadastral area of ??the Great Morava, Red Water, Sanov, Moravian Karlov, White Water, Mlýnice, Mlýnický Court, Cotkytle, guards Tatenice, Krasíkov, Lubník and surrounding Svitav and Moravian Třebové extends also to the historical territory Moravia. On the east it borders with Olomouc region, with the south-east SOUTH MORAVIAN region in the southwest region of the Highlands, the west CENTRAL BOHEMIA region in the northwest of Hradec Kralove region to the north Polish Dolnoslezským Voivodeship (Lower Silesia Voivodship).
Most of the region consists of uplands and highlands to the lowlands around the crossing of the Elbe. On the border with Poland rises the third highest mountain in the Czech Republic massif. On the northwest it connects the lower and flatter Eagle Mountains. To the south begin the Iron mountains and hills Žďárské-Moravian Highlands.


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